► Setup your files to be CMYK.
MainLine will not be responsible for color shifts if there are any PMS colors or RGB colors in your file. PMS colors are known to do eratic things when converted to CMYK and when transpencies are present.
► Make sure all of your images are at least 300 dpi.
Any resolution lower than 300 dpi will produce results that may not be "acceptable"
► Add 1/8" to all sides for bleed.
► Accepted files: .PDF
Price does not include shipping — shipping costs billed separately.
Brochure printing is one of the best ways to bolster business, large or small. Brochures are one of the most diverse marketing mediums available since they are suited to a wide variety of situations. They serve as an interactive guide when explaining products and services, and point out key features and benefits to the customer. Since brochures are so inexpensive, they represent the perfect pitch when operating on a smaller budget.
These 14pt brochures are perfect for casual dining menus.
Need design work? Call us at 484-684-4201.